Four Haiku for flute and cello (2016)


  • flute — cello

Duration: 14:00

First Performance: 12 March 2017 / O’Connell Hall, West Hartford, CT / Erika Rohrberg, flute; Noah Marconi, cello

Program Note:

  • FOUR HAIKU for flute and cello was written in June, 2016 and was premiered on March 12, 2017 by Erika Rohrberg and Noah Marconi. Each short movement is based on an original haiku that I wrote for the project.

    A sunlit forest
    twigs sway in the breathless wind
    sparrows sing sweetly.

    Creeping stealthily
    a garter snake hunts alone
    a mouse never sees.

    The old crone weaves true
    lost in the forgotten ways
    black is the fabric.

    Wind escapes unseen
    sighing through leaves like music
    fairies dance with mirth.