Sonata for violin and piano (2018, rev. 2021)


  • violin — piano

Duration: 19:00

First Performance:

Dedication: “for my friend, Julie”

Program Note:

  • Sonata for violin and piano was written in the spring of 201 8 in Hartford, Connecticut, and subsequently revised in 2021.

    The first movement, "Grave," although featuring two contrasting themes, skews the traditional opening sonata-allegro movement by casting them in a fantasia-like structure. The first is a slowly blossoming series of chords interrupted by violent interjections by both the violin and piano. The second theme, which is only heard twice in the movement, is an expressive melody for the violin first heard after a brief section of harmonics. The movement is also unified through melodic gesture and figuration, most notably whole and half-step motion.

    The rambunctious second movement, "Presto," is in a more traditional sonata-allegro form with clearly defined themes and sections.

    It is warmly dedicated to violinist Julie Haring.