Star Trek: The Original Series

original release: September 8th, 1966 — June 3rd, 1969
in-universe timeline: 2265 — 2269

The starship USS Enterprise, representing the United Federation of Planets is on a five-year mission in outer space to explore new worlds, seek new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where no one has gone before. Her captain is the handsome and brash Captain James Tiberius "Jim" Kirk (William Shatner). Kirk's two best friends are Commander Spock (Leonard Nimoy), the ship's half-human/half-Vulcan Science Officer and First/Executive Officer (i.e. second-in-command) from the planet Vulcan, and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Leonard H. "Bones" McCoy (DeForest Kelley). Other members of the crew include helmsman Lieutenant Hikaru Kato Sulu (George Takei), navigator Ensign Pavel Andreyevich Chekov (Walter Koenig), communications officer Lieutenant Nyota Uhura (Nichelle Nichols), chief engineer Lieutenant Commander Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (James Doohan), Nurse Christine Chapel (Majel Barrett) and Yeoman Janice Rand (Grace Lee Whitney). The series follows them as they confront strange alien races, friendly and hostile alike, and battle megalomaniac computers, time paradoxes, and psychotic murderers. The series is known for looking at the then (the 1960s) hot topics such as sex, war, God, religion, politics, racism, and other things that make up the human condition through a lens of the future.

Season 1

“The Cage”
— This was the original rejected pilot produced by showrunner Gene Roddenberry. It isn’t really canon, but it is significant as the first Star Trek ever produced. Much of the footage was recycled to form the two-part episode The Menagerie, where the events of The Cage are referenced. Do not be put off by the different characterization of Spock, who Nimoy plays as playful and joyful. The characters were all shifted around when NBC ordered a new pilot made. The events of the episode take place in 2254.

The episodes are listed in production order, NOT release order. You will need to navigate to each individual episode on the streaming service. This clears up jarring inconsistencies with uniforms and crew personnel.

1. Where No Man Has Gone Before
2. The Corbomite Maneuver
3. Mudd’s Women
4. The Enemy Within
5. The Man Trap
6. The Naked Time
7. Charlie X
8. Balance of Terror
9. What Are Little Girls Made Of?
10. Dagger of the Mind
11. Miri
12. The Conscience of the King
13. The Galileo Seven
14. Court Martial
15. The Menagerie, Part I
16. The Menagerie, Part II
17. Shore Leave
18. The Squire of Gothos
19. Arena
20. The Alternate Factor
21. Tomorrow is Yesterday
22. The Return of the Archons
23. The Taste of Armageddon
24. Space Seed
25. This Side of Paradise
26. The Devil in the Dark
27. Errand of Mercy
28. The City on the Edge of Forever
29. Operation — Annihilate!

Season 2

1. Catspaw
2. Metamorphosis
3. Friday’s Child
4. Who Mourns for Adonais?
5. Amok Time
6. The Doomsday Machine
7. Wolf in the Fold
8. The Changeling
9. The Apple
10. Mirror, Mirror
11. The Deadly Years
12. I, Mudd
13. The Trouble with Tribbles
14. Bread and Circuses
15. Journey to Babel
16. A Private Little War
17. The Gamesters of Triskelion
18. Obsession
19. The Immunity Syndrome
20. A Piece of the Action
21. By Any Other Name
22. Return to Tomorrow
23. Patterns of Force
24. The Ultimate Computer
25. The Omega Glory
26. Assignment: Earth

Season 3

1. Spectre of the Gun
2. Elaan of Troyius
3. The Paradise Syndrome
4. The Enterprise Incident
5. And the Children Shall Lead
6. Spock’s Brain
7. Is There in Truth No Beauty?
8. The Empath
9. The Tholian Web
1o. For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
11. Day of the Dove
12. Plato’s Stepchildren
13. Wink of an Eye
14. That Which Survives
15. Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
16. Whom Gods Destroy
17. The Mark of Gideon
18. The Lights of Zetar
19. The Cloud Minders
20. The Way to Eden
21. Requiem for Methuselah
22. The Savage Curtain
23. All Our Yesterdays
24. Turnabout Intruder